Customer's Voice
Voice01 Mr.Paul Taylor

Paul Taylor
Managing Director of MY SOLAR – Clean Energy Japan KK, Tokyo Marunouchi Trust Tower.
I have been in Japan for quite some time and this is the easiest and fastest way to get your name stamps made.
Firstly, I found the website of RAKUZENDO in English very useful.
Just pick the style, and choose the type, and you are done!
You can also order the stamp cases while you are there on the site.
Payment is simple with various ways, I paid by a bank transfer but I see other ways too, which is good.
The whole process online took me ten minuets.
There is an order delivery time of just under a week.
I went in person to pick up my name stamps and was pleasantly surprised by the quality and feel of them. I will be using these for a long time it is important to have good quality.
The store Master at RAKUZENDO was very kind, and while I was there in his shop I found other things that they can do for my business needs. Rakuzendo is a great way to get your name
stamps ordered, especially if you can not read Japanese.
I recommend RAKUZENDO to everyone for business and personal needs.
Please try, and then tell your friends as these types of professional services are slowly drying up.
I am Happy I found them !!!! Thank You RAKUZENDO!!!