Inkan (Hanko) Seal SHOP “RAKUZENDO”
Inkan(Hanko) Seal can be sculpted in katakana or alphabet.
Customer's Voice

Mr.Paul Taylor
Managing Director of MY SOLAR – Clean Energy Japan KK, Tokyo Marunouchi Trust Tower.
"I have been in Japan for quite some time and this is the easiest and fastest way to get your name stamps ……"

Welcome to RAKUZENDO.
Established in 1899, over 120 years in business RAKUZENDO is from the 19 century. I am Toh Hirasawa a Traditional Japanese name stamp craftsman.
I have been creating the Japanese hand carved name seals for over 40 years. My trade has been passed down to me from three generations, and now I am the forth generation to continue this art and craft which is an essential part of my culture and also Japanese Business. I have, to this day, made over 30,000 individual and unique name stamps as my business continues to grow. >> ABOUT US